Uninsured Patients (Pacientes sin seguro)
Sliding Fee Schedule
Mt. San Rafael Hospital: Uninsured patients have the opportunity to apply for aid through Medicaid, CICP, and the hospital's Charity Care Policy.No patient will be refused treatment because they are uninsured. Patients can apply for assistance to help them pay for their clinic/hospital bill. At the time a patient is scheduled for an appointment, the scheduler will explain the hospital's Financial Assistance Program. And, at the patient's request, they can be referred to the hospital's Financial Counselor.
When an uninsured patient presents themselves for an appointment at the clinic, the registrar will admit the patient and, at the patient's request, be referred to the Financial Counselor. It is the patient's responsibility to make an appointment with the Financial Counselor.
The Financial Counselor will review the patient's situation and offer a plan for which the patient will qualify. If the patient does not qualify for Medicaid and/or CICP, they will be screened for the hospital's sliding fee schedule, Charity Care. The patient will be required to pay any co-pay(s) due for their qualifying plan. In some cases if the patient is unable to pay the co-pay up front, a payment plan will be offered, not to exceed 12 months.
Mt. San Rafael Hospital and Clinic does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability or any other status protected by law or regulation. All qualified applicants are provided equal opportunity and all selection decisions are based solely on ability to pay.