Ad of four arms reaching out, holding letters each (P,F,A,C)
Patient and Family Advisory Committee
Contact: Meghan Russell, PFAC LiaisonEmail: mrussell@msrhc.org
Number: 719-846-8023
In conjunction with the Colorado Rural Health Center, Mt. San Rafael Hospital has established a community-based committee - the Patient & Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) - to engage patients and their families in improving the overall patient experience at Mt. San Rafael Hospital and Clinics. The group is comprised of both hospital staff/administration and previous patients or their family members.
To utilize community members who either have been patients or had family members as patients at Mt. San Rafael Hospital and/or the Mt. San Rafael Hospital Clinics. This group shall:Strive to incorporate patients, and families of patients, concerns and ideas about Mt. San Rafael Hospital and its Clinics; using feedback to improve the overall patient experience and processes affecting patients and their care.
Serve as an avenue for hearing what patient needs are, as well as allow for an exchange of ideas and input on new and ongoing projects.
Criteria and Eligibility for the Advisory Committee:
Volunteers must have been a patient at either Mt. San Rafael Hospital or the Hospital Clinics, or have had a family member who has been a patient within the last three (3) years.Rules & Responsibilities for the Advisory Committee:
Maintain confidentiality regarding any discussion about Mt. San Rafael Hospital and the Hospital Clinics.Participate in monthly meetings.
Engage with Hospital and Clinic staff.
Willing to learn more about how the Hospital and Clinics work through various group activities.
Participate in committees, both temporary and permanent, as the Advisory Committee grows.
Collaborate with other Advisory Committees, both within Colorado and nationally, to offer staff suggestions and innovative ideas, as needed.
Projects Undertaken by the Advisory Committee:
Modifying the sign-in procedures for registration.Providing feedback on the functionality of the new patient rooms designed as part of the hospital's renovation project.
Providing feedback on the functionality of current patient rooms so adjustments can be made that are more patient/family-friendly.
Discussions regarding billing processes, available services and service expansion, etc.
When are Advisory Committee meetings held?
Meetings are held once a quarter at Mt. San Rafael Hospital, during the lunch hour, and lunch is provided.The next PFAC meeting is scheduled for:
November 12, 2024
12 Noon
Mt. San Rafael Hospital - Boardroom
Please RSVP to Meghan Russell, PFAC Liaison, at mrussell@msrhc.org. For those that would like to join us via Zoom - please click the link below.