Ad that says:
It has come to our attention there is some misunderstanding about patients being seen in the Emergency Room.
- You will always receive care in the Emergency Room regardless of COVID-19 Vaccination Status.
- Per policy, ALL patients are screened for COVID-19 symptoms prior to entering the Emergency Room.
- If necessary, patients are tested for Covid-19, but NO ONE IS TURNED AWAY FOR CARE.
- If you are experiencing a medical emergency, DO NOT WAIT; come to the ER for treatment.
Emergency Care
Number: 719-846-9213Mt. San Rafael Hospital provides 24-hour emergency services featuring a highly trained staff with a level IV trauma designation. The Emergency Department provides an initial evaluation, stabilization, diagnosis, and treatment. Transfer to a higher level of care will be made if needed.
Below please find the basic structure and expected flow of care when you visit the Emergency Department.
1. Upon arrival to the Emergency Department (ED), you will be asked to give your name, date of birth, and purpose for your visit.
2. Triage ~ (the process of prioritizing sick or injured people for treatment according to the seriousness of the condition or injury)
When you see the nurse for triage, a decision is made about the dangerousness or "acuity" of your problem, and patients are prioritized per this triage process. Depending upon the condition, the patient will be sent on to registration or given immediate medical attention. When the ED is very busy, the more serious problems are seen first to ensure the protection of threats to life. Seeing the most critical patients first may create a waiting period, at times, for some patients.
3. Registration ~ After you have been triaged in the ED, your information is placed into our computer so that we can access your medical records and insurance information.
4. Room ~ Once you get to the room, the nurse and doctor will discuss your problem along with your medical history. If possible, please have a list from your doctor of current medications and any allergies to medications available. Once the doctor has examined you, a decision will be made with your input about what, if any, tests need to be done.
5. Tests ~ We provide both laboratory tests and imaging tests. Imaging tests such as x-rays and CT Scans are done by our Radiology Department, and then read by our ER doctors and radiologists. It can take some time to get images taken. The timing is dependent on the machine and previously scheduled appointments.
6. Results ~ The doctor will review with you all the results from your tests and discuss them in detail. Please feel free to ask any questions about these results, as we want you to be well-informed about your health.
7. Discharge/Follow-up Care ~ Your doctor will discuss with you the plan for the future, any prescriptions written, and when you need to see your primary care doctor next. Once again, please feel free to ask any questions of the staff about your results and health.
8. You will receive discharge instructions from the nurse and you may be asked to return to the registration desk to check out.
We aim to provide the highest quality care and make your visit the most pleasant experience possible.